
Improving Procurement – Part 2

Improving procurement can feel like falling off the face of the earth

Interested in improving procurement? Many procurement organizations fail to achieve their potential by making one or more of five common missteps


inefficient by doing what is not necessary

There is nothing so inefficient as making more efficient that which should not be done at all. – Peter Drucker

Mathematics Is Beautiful

Mathematics Sunflower Lit by Immensity

Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty

Why The New Year Is Special

HK New Year Eve Fireworks

Why is the new year changeover from one year to the next, special? After all, it happens every year.

When Smart Can Be Really Dumb!

Not so smart Bing Search

Over the years websites have become really smart. With the use of cookies (the little trackers websites leave behind on your computer), they can track where you came from, how often you have visited, what topics you lingered on and a mind bending number of other facts.