
Why Was The New iPhone Delayed?

Seeing the world upside down helps understand the new iphone delay

Why was the new iPhone delayed? Was the delay driven by a series of tactical circumstances, or reflective of a deeper strategic perspective at play?

Which Version Of Myself?

Multiple Personalities of myself by Paul Ripke

David in his classical style belts out the line: “I am just an advertisement for a version of myself”!

I Need Better Advice!

Who Will Give Me The Best Advice?

Why is it that in business or personal affairs, when we bring someone a proposal or come looking for advice we get one of the first four advisors?

Down With Doom

A really really bad day spelling doom?

Bad news sells, and the media thrives on bizarre stories of gloom and doom.

Our Absurd Budget Debate

Michael Ramirez Absurd Budget Debate Pie

Illustrated – 2011 Budget Spending and The Absurd Budget Debate we are having!